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Re: Proposal for a Debian Unstable FAQ

On Sun, 19 Oct 1997, joost witteveen wrote:

> One word of waring, though: I'm not sure you want to report every:
> > * Broken dependencies, and how to get around them.
> Because just a broken dependancy isn't all that bad in itself: Usually,
> you'll notice it quite easily. I'm not saying you shouldn't provide this
> info, I'm just saying that what you are starting may take away quite
> a lot of time from your hands, and maybe you will be able to keep the
> list up-to-date longer/better if you limit yourself a little bit.

I don't think it will be that bad, because it only took me a couple of
hours last night to go through a month's worth of archives.  Over half
the messages could be skipped because they were update announcements
(which only matter if I'm already listing that package), politics and
policy issues (which are irrelevant in this connection), or problems
that only one person was having (if it's a package bug, somebody else
would have said "me too".)

I'm aiming for once a week, which means there won't be that many changes
each time.  As long as I don't get into one of those moods where I don't
even want to turn on the computer for two weeks...

************** MICHAEL SCOTT ORR <mso@jimpick.com> *****************
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*    *  Tel: +1 (206) 522-9627, fax: 328-6209          *    Russki * 
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