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User-contrib, up-to-date stable

Hi all,

It seems as if part of the reason why many people seem to desire a
redhat style contrib is so that stable can be kept up-to-date.  

I think a 'current' distribution would be an excellent addition to Debian.
Maybe something like the 'release' that FreeBSD has.  This would
accomodate those who want up-to-date software, but who don't want to go
changing the core pieces of their system.  Recently at work I have had to
install apache, msql, postgresql 'by hand'.  I probably will have to do
the same with the gimp, and am not sure what to do about perl, as the
profiler doesn't seem to function with the version in stable (it wants
5.004).  With the exception of perl, these could all be upgraded quite
nicely in a 'current' release.   They are packages that are probably
something someone interested in total stability would leave alone, but
someone who is doing non-critical work would like to have recent versions

Some possible problems:  it might spread us too thin, it might be
organizationally more difficult to subdivide ourselves into more groups
and mailing lists.


David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw                

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