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Re: New ip-up (Was: Re: REQ ip-up: run-parts /etc/ppp/up )

Thanks Erv.  Good explanation.  One problem I see is, not a lot of ppp
users have a static IP.  Our IP (and thus, hostname) is different every
time we connect.

Is there an easy way to check if the current hostname resolves to the IP
of the first ppp interface that came up?

I think the correct behavior is to only modify the hostname when the first
ppp interface comes up, and when the last ppp interface comes down.
Anyone have any different thoughs?  Hints on implementation?

I mean, how does one detect the presence of multiple ppp interfaces?
Should be some simple way to abort ip-up and ip-down...

Also, can't a box have multiple FQND's ?  Perhaps an awk solution is
needed so they all work?  But then what is the relationship of `hostname`
to /etc/hosts ?


Jonathan Walther

On 21 Oct 1997, Erv Walter wrote:
> Here's what I do.  It is _not_ required that your hostname be set to
> the name your ip resolves to.  For talk et al. to function, all that
> is required is for the hostname you have chosen to match your internet
> ip.  The way I do this is to modify /etc/hosts in ip-up and ip-down so
> that my hostname's ip is my ppp ip when the net is up.  Here is what
> my /etc/hosts looks like before and after a connection is made:
> This is easily accomplished by having a file /etc/hosts.static that
> has all unchanging entries in it.  Then in ip-up you do:
> cat /etc/hosts.static > /etc/hosts
> echo $4 hostname.blah.blah hostname >> /etc/hosts
> echo hostname.blah.blah hostname >> /etc/hosts
> Then in ip-down:
> cat /etc/hosts.static > /etc/hosts
> echo hostname.blah.blah hostname >> /etc/hosts
> These can be modified easily for multiple ppp setups (just a little
> more complex).
> This allows you system to have a hostname that doesn't change, but it
> allows talkd and other programs to work without trouble.

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