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Re: unofficial package repository and the bugs system

>>>>> "LA" == Lindsay Allen <allen@cleo.murdoch.edu.au> writes:

[ Bug reports on user-contrib packages ]

  LA> Much as I respect Jim I see this as an "Adam and the apple"
  LA> situation - tempting but leading to who knows what problems.  We
  LA> lose the bug system and the rigor and discipline of Debian and
  LA> these are the very things that have lead to our success.

When you really like using your hammer every problem looks like a nail

IMHO, if the user-contrib repository happens, Debian should NOT accept
bug reports on the packages contained within, and should make this
policy clear. After all, we don't maintiain or respond to bug reports
vis-a-vie tar.gz packages people pull off Sunsite. This is a similar
situation. All that changes is the format of the file that you grab,
for convenience of the end user. Bugs in user-contrib packages should
be emailed directly to the person who made the package and/or the
upstream maintainer, if applicable.  user-contrib has nothing to do
with Debian. If people want to make maintained and supported packages,
then they should join the Debian lists, and become an official
maintainer. It's not that hard. If someone packages up something for
their own convenience and wants to make it available to others who
might find it useful, and don't care to hear about it. they dump it in
user-contrib. Remember this is an UNOFFICIAL repository.


  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
  vizzie@airmail.net / http://web2.airmail.net/vizzie/
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