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Re: Lessons (KDE & GNOME & Linux)

>>"Christoph" == Christoph Lameter <clameter@miriam.fuller.edu> writes:

Bruce> He also said the best decision he ever made was to GPL the
Bruce> kernel. That sounds like insisting on the same principles we
Bruce> insist on.

Christoph> But he also said that commercial linux software has its
Christoph> proper place in the Linux world.

	Sure it does (we are not stopping people from working on qt or
 motif, are we?). All we are saying is that the place may not be as
 the major packages that debian distributes.

Christoph> Its no universal principle and he is definitely not
Christoph> insisting on all software being GPLed.

	Niehter are we. All we say is that the stuf we distribute,
 well, we kinda like it better if it is GPL. 

Christoph> Just that it worked for one project does not mean it is
Christoph> good for all.

	A truism few will deny ;-)

Christoph> Linus explicitly said that he thinks something like a GUI
Christoph> might be better in the hands of a commercial enterprise
Christoph> (with which I would disagree also).

	Maybe. Where is this leading to, anyway? Why can't we prefer
 something that Linus does not? 

 Therefore in this religion, this is what comes first for a wise
 bhikkhu guarding of the senses, contentment, and discipline in
 accordance with the rules of the Order. He should cultivate friends
 of good character, of pure behaviour and resolute. He should be
 friendly in his manner, and well-behaved. As a result he will
 experience great joy, and put an end to suffering. 375, 376
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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