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Re: User-contrib, up-to-date stable

srivasta@datasync.com (Manoj Srivastava) writes:

> 	And please understand it from the point of view of a group
>  that is trying to make the transition to libc6: it is hard enough to
>  do that, and we do not have the resources to simultaneously run a
>  libc5 version. How do you think that should be resolved?
Guess why i've proposed the creation of "user-contrib" (or call it
"unsupported" or whatever)?  ;-)

This makes it possible for users to eventually help out themselves by
providing officially unsupported packages for each other so that there
is no need for everybody to have to recompile newer stuff on their
own.  Nobody wants any core developers to double their precious time
just for providing libc5 versions of their packages too.  I do
understand that this would be demanding too much and this is how i'd
like to contribute unofficial/unsupported packages.
> 	The way it is set up, people may just download sources from
>  hamm, if they are sure the packages would live happily on bo
>  as well, and try ./debian/rules binary. If that works (producing a
>  deb file), and they just feel lucky ;-), they can upgrade the package
>  piecemeal.
Well, typical users find it much more convenient to simply get the
binary and drop it in.  When i started providing some unofficial
packages at "ftp://ietpd1.sowi.uni-mainz.de/pub/debian/unofficial/";
only sources have been offered at first.  The resonance was not very
high under this circumstance.  But when binaries were provided too
this site seems to have become quite popular actually and people
seldomly download any sources at all because binaries are definitely

> 	Or else they find someone who does this for them.
Exactly!  And now think about an unofficial "user-contrib" or
"unsupported" section as proposed and discussed here.

> 	Demanding a solution may not always work. Or labelling
>  essentially a free service as unacceptable. (I, too, thought that
>  your post came across as being slightly rude, so sorry).
I'm not demanding anything from anybody and i've simply been proposing
what we are discussing here.  Please don't understand my wording as
rude or impolite only because i write what i think.  It was and still
is not meant as such.  I've never had the intention to be rude or
impolite and i'm still without any attitude to make my contributions
to this discussion appear to be this way.  Instead of being rude i
usually prefer to shut up because rudeness is no way of communication
in a forum such as this anyway.  And please don't forget that i'm no
native speaker of the english language.
                                         Thanks, P. *8^) 
   Paul Seelig                         pseelig@goofy.zdv.uni-mainz.de
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   My Homepage in the WWW at the URL http://www.uni-mainz.de/~pseelig 

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