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Re: New Package: spamdb 0.1 (source all)

  Richard>  I must say that I feel uncomfortable with this policy too, though
  Richard> perhaps for different reasons.
  Richard> If I announce my "intent to start work on a package", that implies
  Richard> a commitment to actually do so.  I am not ready to make that
  Richard> commitment until after I am sure that I can actually handle the
  Richard> package.  I won't know that until I am done packaging it.

<tongue in cheek mode on>

Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about that. Just ask the current (Phil T.) and
previous (Sven R.) maintainers of the 'Work to do' FAQ about how long some of
the expressed commitments have been sitting there. With no package ever
showing up. 

<tongue in cheek mode off>

The point is that especially for difficult packages, it would be a pain to
duplicate work. Instead of getting work done we really need done. Never in
short supply...

 edd@debian.org   http://rosebud.sps.queensu.ca/~edd   PGP KeyID 1024/6D7F08DD

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