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Re: The real Debian.org

Hello Dave!

Actually, you sent this message to me personally, so I think you want to
address me. This is why I answer.

On Sun, Oct 26, 1997 at 05:48:10PM -0500, Dave Cinege wrote:
> Take heed people. This is what happens if you dare challenge the leadership of the 
> Debian project.
> Personal attacks, compliants to your service provider, banishment from the 
> project. They will gang-up on you and drive you away..... You all should be
> ashamed of yourselves.

I never attacked you or tried to do you any harm. So I think that you want
to warn me:

> If you are new to Debian, please don't make the mistake I made. This is a closed 
> software project, where you are allowed to contribute only if you surcome to the 
> personal agenda of the current leadership. This is the structure and model of the 
> project, make no bones about it.

Sorry, Dave. My experience is different from yours. Although I never
contributed anything "real" to debian, all people here have been friendly
and open to suggestions even from people that are not a developer or
maintainer, but just an "ordinary" user.

Think about it,

"Rhubarb is no Egyptian god."
Marcus Brinkmann

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