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Re: Smooth replacement of inetd with xinetd

On 26 Oct 1997, Christian Leutloff wrote:

> Hello,
> I want to replace inetd with xinetd because it seems to be better
> configurable and more secure.
> Okay, it's possible to hack /etc/init.d/netbase but it's a really huge
> script and I don't want to break things. 
> So, is it possible to modify the both packages in a manner that xinetd
> can replace inetd smoothly!? 

You don't need to do this. The xinetd package replaces /etc/init.d/netbase
with a version that does nothing if /etc/rc2.d/S20xinetd exists. It does,
however, not create a 'diversion' for /etc/init.d/netbase, so it might be
overwritten again if you upgrade the netbase package. But you will be
asked by dpkg if you want to overwrite it (because it is a conffile) and
you can answer 'No'.
> Btw., why aren't we using xinetd as the default inetd!?

I dont know.


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