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Spurious libelf dependency and autoconf

Hi guys,

	I need the help of an autoconf expert. For some reason, the
 configure file for make looks for a libelf library, and if on exists,
 links the make binary with -lelf (apparently, from the comments, this
 is needed for -lkvm on Solaris). The elf library is present on Linux
 systems, though we do not need to link with it for maker to
 work. Linking with elf is not a general problem, but it gives make a
 spurious dependency on libelg0, for example.

	No problem I said, and commented out the section in
 configure. However, when I re-configure the package, autoconf is
 called to re-create configure and the edits are lost! 

	The culprit it in /usr/lib/autoconf/acspecific.m4 line
 1297. How do I forgo this check? As far as I can see, this is
 unconditionally included (gawd, dist is so much cleaner).

# Some systems with -lutil have (and need) -lkvm as well, some do not.
# On Solaris, -lkvm requires nlist from -lelf, so check that first
# to get the right answer into the cache.
AC_CHECK_LIB(elf, elf_begin, LIBS="-lelf $LIBS")
AC_CHECK_LIB(kvm, kvm_open, LIBS="-lkvm $LIBS")

	Unless I can figure this out, either I have to consider an
 ugly hack, or make shall depend on libelfg0 (for i386 at least).

 "We're hosed." Next, Inc.'s Steve Jobs said after workstations
 running a demo program crashed at the SPA symposium.
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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