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Using symlinks in /dev (was Re: New Packages: Newtonlink and Biss AWT)

On Mon, 27 Oct 1997, Christian Schwarz wrote:

> AFAIK, the use of such device links (e.g. "/dev/modem", "/dev/scanner") is
> depreciated since they will fail with the device locking mechanisms
> enforced by the Linux Filesystem Structure (FSSTND).

	I think it's a good think to use these links.  For example: if
I switch my mouse and modem from one port to another, it's much easier
for me to change two symlinks in /dev that to reconfigure gpm, X,
minicom, ppp, svgalib... (I've done it many times :-))

	If we use the new liblockdev, there's no need to use the
``correct'' name instead of a symlink.  IMHO, the device locking
mechanisms in the FSSTND (as well as in the FHS) isn't well designed.

	What do you think?

Juan Cespedes

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