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Re: Ok, non-maintainer release - howto?

David Welton wrote:
> Feeling that my packages are more or less in order, I would like to start
> checking out some of the packages that have not been recompiled for libc6,
> to see what I can do with them.  I was able, with minor modifications, to
> recompile ghostview, and now I'd like to do a non-maintainer release, if
> that's ok with everyone.  What should I do with the changelog?  Increment
> the debian change number, leaving the real maintainers name.. edit it by
> hand to reflect who is actually changing it?

This used to be documented somewhere, but I can't find it in the current
policy or programmers manuals. Does anyone know where it is?

Anyway, a quick summary:

Put your name and email in the changelog. Leave the real maintainer's name
in the control file. Add .1 to the debian release number (increment as
needed if you make another non-maintainer release). For example, the package
is version 1.2-3, so the non-maintainer version will be 1.2-3.1, and
when you fix the glaring bug you left in the non-maintainer release, the
next version is 1.2-3.2. If you upgrade to new upstream source, start at
debian revision 0.1 (ie, version 2.1-0.1).

I think you're also supposed to file a bug against the package, with a diff
showing your changes.
see shy jo

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