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Re: webster dictionary (was Re: Packaging a *LARGE* dictionary)

> There has been an interface for a webster dictionary floating around
> the net for some years, facilitating a daemon, a client program, an
> emacs interface and stuff to generate indices. I believe it originated
> at the NeXT (which used to come with a webster dictionary).
> I have it ported it to work here on our solaris and SGI workstations
> (using gdbm), so perhaps this is a possible route.
> I believe (but haven't checked yet) that the server/client is free
> software. We use it with a version of the webster dictionary that
> apparently is free, but I have had it stored away for so long that I
> do not really know where it came from.
I am quite certain that this is not free software, but is provided
for free to educational institutions. As you appear to work at a university
your access to it does not surprise me. I seem to recall that the source
was readily available, but Webster clamped down on it in the late 80's
(so, of course, many people still have it). As this was a while ago, my
recollection may not be perfect, but should be close to the mark.

- Jay

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