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Re: mentors for new maintainers

Fabrizio wrote:
> Igor Grobman wrote:
> > 
> > The idea of "mentors" who would help new maintainers to get
> > acquainted with the project.  
> > 
> > This will eliminate most of the "newbie" questions on debian-devel. 
> > It also allows the newbie maintainer to ask the "stupid" questions
> > without being afraid to waste the bandwidth on a public list. 
> The idea seems good, IMO.

YEA! please do it!

> But, given the open nature of Debian, wouldn't this goal be achieved
> better creating a mailing list new-maintainers@lists.debian.org where
> all developers that have time can contribute to help questions from new
> maintainers, without annoying the others (who have less time and want to
> focus on development)?

Another great idea for the good of all!

> IMHO this would be a simpler way to achieve the goal (which is to help
> new maintainers, and also to promote them to ask even faq questions,
> without the fear of being rtfm-ed, instead of waiting to learn from bugs
> received :-)
> A place where a new-maintainer can feel supported, where instead I see
> that debian-devel badly accepts those recurrent threads.

These two ideas are both great and in no way conflict with each other.
Why not do both?

-- aa
the more fire engines present, the greater the damage

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