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I'm feeling daft today.

I, and many other dissent-dissenters with me have recently been
thrown off the debian-dissent mailinglist.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who very much misses the unsensored
debian-dissent postings from dc, and recent threads have shown
the great need to post "We support Bruce" messages -- both on 
debian-user, debian-devel, and on debian-private.

So, I think it's absolutely essential that we create a new list,
debian-dissent-dissent@lists.debian.org, where we all can voice
our dissent with debian-dissent, even though we are sensured
from debian-dissent. Hell, we'll just make up a few dissent
postings, and send them to debian-dissent-dissent-dissent
(crosposted to debian-dissent-dissent, naturally).

(For clarity: I'm not being serious here. I do sortof think it
strange that debain-dissent dissenters were thrown off of
debian-dissent, though).

In case you are wondering: I'll be going to "Youp van 't Hek"
this evening, a well-known dutch Comedian. Maybe that's why I'm
in this teasing mood. Or, maybe it's because of the very fine weather
over here. I don't know.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

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