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Re: including Qt on Debian

Conrad Sanderson wrote:
> On 2 Nov 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> : Conrad> I know.  I am going to ask the KDE people to make 2 versions
> : Conrad> of the software, since it is the only way some people want to
> : Conrad> listen.  One version will be dynamically linked and the other
> : Conrad> one statically (hence absolutely NO licensing restrictions are
> : Conrad> made).  Would you then include it as part of your linux
> : Conrad> distribution ?
> : 
> : 	Can we freely distribute and modify the source?
> yes.  KDE is GPL.

Hi Conrad,

I think I understand what you are getting at - a statically linked
version of KDE (which has already linked qt) would not depend upon
a non-free component. So there would be a single component "KDE" which
would include source for KDE (but not Qt), and be statically linked
with Qt. Is this what you meant?

However, since some of the source code for a component is not available,
I don't think this gets around the free software guidelines. I suspect
this is still "non-free" software -- and because of the missing source, is
even less useful than a normal KDE+Qt setup.

In the present setup, since KDE is free, but Qt is not, it would be

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't eveyone's cup of
     trd@cs.mu.oz.au        #  fur.
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #

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