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Re: libc5/libc6 conflict

On Sun, 9 Nov 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> Ok, this should be a simple problem.  I want to keep all development stuff
> libc5, but have some libc6 packages.  I don't want to use altdev.  The
> libc6 in hamm needs the libc5 from hamm or else there is a conflict.  No
> problem but I need the newer libc5-dev, which is only an altdev.
> Does anyone see any easy answer to this?

Yes, download the version of libc5 (and libc5-dev) from
ftp://ftp.gate.net/pub/users/storm/ and downgrade to that.  Then put libc5
and such on hold in dselect so they don't get upgraded again until you're
ready.  You will experience utmp/wtmp corruption that way, but at least
stuff will compile for you.

Scott K. Ellis <storm@gate.net>                 http://www.gate.net/~storm/

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