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Re: Manifesto for the Debian Project leadership

Shaya Potter <spotter@kby.netmedia.net.il>:
> Also, usually it's going to take someone to use his perogative and
> write up a rough draft without anyone asking him.  If you want more
> than one person to write the rough draft, nothing will get done.

Obviously I've not made myself sufficiently clear; you've completely
misunderstood me.

I don't want to prevent anyone from writing up a rough draft and
getting it approved.  In fact, if I have my way it will be _easier_
for someone to do this - at the moment the project leader has to lend
their authority to the exercise.

Have you read the rules I wrote for the Board (which were accepted in
a vote by the Board) ?  I think that they may be illuminating.


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