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Re: Political policymaking

> > If amendments interact with each other then the different plausible
> > alternatives are put to the vote together using Single Transferrable
> > Vote.
> This is about where I start falling asleep.
> It's an awful lot of mechanism you are proposing, and I strongly doubt
> it is all that necessary. I'd like to hear from other developers on that.
> 	Thanks
> 	Bruce

I would have to say that I agree with Ian entirely here.  I think that Debian 
becoming more organized would do alot for our "productivity".  Alot of things 
get thrown about witgh nothing getting done sometimes ( _sometimes_ ).  I 
think a more organized voting and ammending process would be a good start to 

Just my thoughts.  :^)

Brought to you by the letters E and K and the number 9.

Paul J. Thompson <thomppj@thomppj.student.okstate.edu>

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