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Re: Minor nit during dpkg-buildpackage

Dale Scheetz <dwarf@polaris.net> writes:

> I have been building several packages today and ran accross a
> "strange" error message in my build logs. Just before it askes me
> for my pass-phrase, for the pgp signature portion of the build, I
> see a messages that says:
> .No configuration file found.

At a guess, this sounds like a PGP problem, at least I've never seen
dpkg-buildpackage do that, and can't imagine why it would.
> 1. Why does dpkg-buildpackage declare, that it is building the package
> from the orig.tar.gz file, so many times? It says something like:
> dpkg-source: building ae using existing ae_962.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: building ae using existing ae_962.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: building ae using existing ae_962.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: building ae using existing ae_962.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: building ae in ae_962-16.diff.gz
> dpkg-source: building ae using existing ae_962.orig.tar.gz
> dpkg-source: building ae in ae_962-16.diff.gz
> 2. What's with the many repeated messages like:
> no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME ("root") at
> /usr/lib/dpkg/controllib.pl line 16.

These two (or the second one for sure) are bugs in the controllib.pl
and are apparently fixed in Klee's snapshots.  They are harmless
(albeit irritating) IME.

> 3. Why am I asked for my pgp pass-phrase twice? Once before the call
>    to gencontrol, and once after the call.
        ^^^^^^^^^^ genchanges, shurely?

Once for the foo_3.56-1.dsc file and once for the
foo_3.56-1_i386.changes file.


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