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(La)TeX copyright (was FLAME: non-free)

> >>>>> "MS" == Manoj Srivastava.
>  MS> ps. If we do change the DFSG, I vote we make the
>  MS> no-modified-source-without-rename packages non-free as well. I do
>  MS> think, now, that the DFSG is not free enough.
> If I remember it well this would exclude LaTeX (base LaTeX and the vast
> majority of LaTeX's standard packages) and TeX itself.
> I would regard this as a very *bad* thing.

Me too, if it were true. TeX *can* be modified at will. You'll just
have to rename the name of the game (you aren't allowed to name it
TeX any more, but mayby SaLvEtTeX).

I think LaTeX is very similar in that respect.

There are problems with parts of the tetex packages, though. It contains
the ntgclass package, and that isn't allowed to be distributed commercially.

joost witteveen, joostje@debian.org

Potentially offensive files, part 5: /dev/random.
`head -c 4 /dev/random` may print 4-letter words (once every approx 4e8 tries).

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