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Re: Red Hat 5.0 Release date

On 20 Nov 1997, Jim Pick wrote:

> I don't see what's really, really wrong about making a hybrid libc5/libc6
> release.  We should aim for making most things libc6, if at all possible.
> Maybe even having a week we dedicate to making non-maintainer releases.

Of course I see nothing wrong with an hybrid libc5/6 distrib, but not only
hamm was planed to be 100% libc6 based, but we also have converted ~80% of
the packages, so IMHO it would be too bad to stop here.

> The last release cycle was way too long.  We should compress the testing
> window and organize it much more.  We badly misused the important testing
> concepts of 'frozen' and 'release candidate'.

You badly over-evaluate the number of people in the testing/QA team
compared to the work involved... _(;


- Vincent RENARDIAS                 vincent@{waw.com,pipo.com,debian.org} -
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