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Re: nc (netcat) and nc (nedit)

On 22 Nov 1997, Rob Browning wrote:

> Ben Armstrong <synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca> writes:
> > Hamish reminded me, when asking about atp, that a package I'm
> > working on (netcat) has a binary called nc.  However, nedit
> > also has an 'nc'.  Should I rename the nc binary to netcat?
> I think people are much more likely to have written scripts that
> depend on netcat named nc than scripts that depend on nedit named nc.
> If you change it, you'll break all of them.  I'd say that you'd be
> better to rename nedit's file than netcat's, but it won't really
> effect me either way.

I second this.  Not only do people write scripts relying on nc to be
netcat, but netcat is found on lots of unix systems that I use, unlike
nedit.  Can you get more information on what nedit's nc command does?


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