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Re: Libc6 progress: 1997-11-23

Mark Baker <mbaker@iee.org> wrote:
> >   j1-7-7               (Old source format)
> The licence looked a bit dubious to me; in any case, the package looks a bit
> of a mess and I'm not sure it's worth the effort to sort it out.

Also the sources have moved from their original locations. Also, the
commercially available version of j for linux is available for download
(from www.jsoftware.com -- it has a 10 second delay during interactive
startup, and doesn't recover after SIGSTOP but is otherwise a much, much
better interpreter). If I have the time I'm going to repackage j1, build
an installer package for j3, and maybe have an independent package for

However (a) I doubt I'll have time to do any of this this next week,
and (b) I'm not promising I'll have this ready for hamm.


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