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Re: New bug Severity for release-goals?

In article <m0xZadt-001NHbC@night>,
	dark@xs4all.nl (Richard Braakman) writes:

> * All packages are in the new package format.
> * All packages in main distribution are compiled with libc6.
> * Fix packages currently depending on 'libc5-dev'.
> * Officially supports {i386,m68k,alpha,sparc} architectures (mips,ppc?).
> * No more dependencies on obsolete virtual packages (X11R6, elf-x11r6libs, ...).
>   No a.out executables anymore.
> * Remove "--force-overwrite" flag from dpkg defaults
> * Much improved dpkg/dselect.
> * Use PAM within authentication programs [13]

We decided not to do that for 2.0 didn't we?

> * Link shared libs against other shared libs instead of static [14]

What you mean is `link shared libs so they contain dependency information'.

If you don't do that, ldd says `statically linked' but that's just a very
misleading error, since libraries are never statically linked.

>   - "Package is still in old source format"
>   - "Package is linked with libc5" (or a libc5-based library)
>      (except for packages in oldlibs, of course)
>   - "Library is still libc5-based"
>   - "Package depends on elf-x11r6libs"
>   - "Package has overlap with other package"

I would add library doesn't contain dependency information to that, i.e.
libcompface is definitely not releasable.

> The only thing missing is a good name for this severity.  Brian White
> used "critical" but that is already taken.  "release-critical" is too
> long,

Is it? I imagine most of these bugs will be generated by scripts, so the
fact that it takes too long to type isn't a problem.

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