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Re: Intention to package: ruari-diff and gcal

On 23 Nov 1997, James Troup wrote:

> Bruce Perens <bruce@va.debian.org> writes:
> > Can you make your diff tool compare _two_ FTP archives with each
> > other?
> Well you could certainly feed it the Packages files from two different
> ftp sites. Currently that would only tell you about out-of-date
> packages, making it also tell you about non-existent packages would be
> a trivial change.
> _But_, it is Packages files based, it doesn't look at what actually is
> on the ftp site.  So if the Packages file gets out of sync for
> whatever reason, it becomes useless.  And if you want to compare more
> than what's in the Packages file, it's of no use.
> Is a Packages-file based tool what you want?  Or did you want to
> something actually look at what's on the ftp site.

To compare two FTP sites, couldn't you just do a 'ls -lRL' on the
.../debian directory on both of them and compare the results?


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