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Re: Libc in CVS (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 11:30:41 +0000 (GMT)
From: Alan Cox <alan@lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk>
To: ralf@uni-koblenz.de
Cc: alan@lxorguk.ukuu.org.uk, linux@cthulhu.engr.sgi.com
Subject: Re: Libc in CVS

> > With luck it'll also fix the rpm-2.4.8 core dump bug which seems to be
> > bad linking.
> My rpm has never dumped core but it was complaining about nonexisting
> users while creating the binary rpm file even though the user was
> existing thus failing to build.  That rpm problem is fixed.

Yep thats the bug - I also got some crashes. It was caused by getpw* failing
in peculiar ways. My RPM binary has its own 

> All the source RPM packages on linus are known to build and work for
> little endian targets.  Some of them, for example ncompress, have special
> modifications to support big endian targets.

Im actually trying to build a full RedHat 5.0 by early December so Im picking
up your changes to stuff like bash indirectly via redhat on the whole. I can
then merge anything that escaped and together we can make sure they are in 

Obviously as of about Dec1 the amount of answers I can get from RedHat will
noise dive for a couple of months


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