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Re: giving money to gnome

> > Besides - what *REALLY* gets on my nerves, is the fact that the
> > pseudo-reason behind supporting GNOME is, that this will support GTK. Why
> > can't the money be given to GTK people *DIRECTLY*?
> Gtk is pretty well finished.  Gnome is not.  Why should we give money
> to gtk?

I said before, and I will say it again: I'm somewhat more comfortable with
giving the money to GNOME if people admit it is for GNOME's (or against
KDE's) sake. But the reason to give the money to GNOME has so often been
hidden behind statements, that GTK would need the support. Just to try to
keep it less obvious, that the money is really to make GNOME better than
KDE. But this hiding technique is so cheap, that I often thing any primate
could get it.

> >   If someone gives you money and you use that money to piss him off,
> >   he won't give you any money in the future, unless he has no other
> >   choice whatsoever!
> Who said that JFL is "pissed off"?  (your words, not mine)

Just wait for the day, when pissed off KDE people will gnaw JFL staff ears
off with stating how weused the money from a KDE+Debian CD-ROM. The
behaviour of those KDE people would be just about as "childish" as the
behaviour of some people here just blissfully ignoring how we're
updsetting KDE people with that.

I don't think KDE people would even be half as annoyed by giving the money
to GNOME, if we got the money we'd be spending on GNOME from a Debian+CTAN
archive CD.

> Why would JFL be annoyed at us doing something that could benefit them
> in the future? 

They chose KDE as something good for the CD. I don't think they'll be that
easy to sway over to GNOME once it can rival KDE, because by then, JFL
will have a name for its Debian+KDE CD.

> > Does that strike you as somewhat logical (even if just minimally
> > logical)?
> I don't see why you assume we have annoyed JFL in the first place.
Mainly I assumed that we annoyed the KDE people, since the first comments
I heard about this CD were, that it is mainly a KDE CD, that just happens
to have a Debian as an add-on bonus. Now I've seen the ad, and I know that
both are "equal partners" on the CD.


Windows 95: n.
    32-bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit
    operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor,  written
         by a 2-bit company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.

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