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Re: Red Hat 5.0 Release date

From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
> I just tonight installed 2.1.65 on my system.  It mistakenly thought
> it had two CPUs and of course locked while trying to talk to the
> (nonpresent) 2nd one.

I build mine after setting "SMP=0" in the Makefile.

> IF we do it, it should NOT be the default and should be CLEARLY marked
> as UNSTABLE with DIRE WARNINGS in ALL CAPS and **BLINKING** all over the
> place :-)

OK. I am running it on my laptop and home desktop. The aic7xxx driver
breaks. I am investigating. Everything else seems fine.

Can you get your operating system fixed when you need it?
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Bruce Perens K6BP   bruce@debian.org   NEW PHONE NUMBER: 510-620-3502

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