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I saw that Brian moved a bunch of files to HELD-FOR-GUY.  Don't know
why, but I just processed all those except for:

- files which want to install to stable.
- files which dinstall detected had a duplicate in another distribution.

Those I moved back to Incoming.

I don't have time right now to slog though my email about the duplicate
files.  As I mentioned before - if your package is already installed in
a different distrib, I will assume that the *NEW* upload is in error and
reject it unless I see an entry in the .changes file acknowledging that
the move is correct.  

You can go also send email about it to maor-installer@debian.org, but I
much prefer a note in the .changes file.  (If you've already sent email
to another of my email addresses about this, don't worry about it this

I know there are probably lots of extraneous files here and there in the
distribution.  I have housekeeping scripts which look for binaries w/o
sources and vice-versa.  I'll run them after this weekend when I get my
new TA.


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