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Re: RFC: Deb 2.0 testing process

Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu> writes:

>    The testers are starting to think about how to organized the 2.0
> testing effort.  One idea that the testers seemed to like is to create a
> checklist for checking each package.
[details snipped]

Excellent! If this comes off, I think it will probably work very well;
certainly, it seems to be the way to go. Apart from anything else, having such
a checklist will hopefully encourage the developers to check their packages
against it before they release them!

OTOH, if you make this too simplistic, then I fear you're going to miss most
of the problems: I'm sure the majority of developers do test their packages at
least a little bit before releasing them. I certainly do. But one of the
things Debian has been bad at in the past is getting a distribution which is
consistent within itself, and that is something that these checklists won't

That little niggle aside -- and I'm sure you will be doing other things than
just this -- the testing made a big difference to Bo, and it sounds like it's
going to be even better for Hamm. Keep it up!


Andy Mortimer, andy.mortimer@poboxes.com
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I found myself alone, alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved and drowned her deep inside of me.

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