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Emacs 20 ready, and movemail ported to use liblockfile.

For anyone who's interested, movemail is now a "liblockfile" safe way
to grab mail from a user's mail spool file.  If necessary, we could
make this a separate package.

I'm doing pretty well today.  This was the last thing I had to to
finish the emacs20 package.  It should be ready to go now.  Howver, we
can't really release it to unstable yet, because it has file conflicts
with emacs_19.34.  Right now, I had to purge emacs 19 and all the
packages that depend on it to be able to install emacs20.  Once Mark
releases an updated emacs19 that conflicts/replaces emacs, I think
we'll be ready to go.

I'll be sending patches to the other emacsen maintainers soon.

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>
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