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Re: setuid programms

Well, this makes a second feature of sun that I like that debian could
easily do.  The first one was warning a user before overwriting files that
aren't in it's package database (e.g. if the user installs their own
kernel in /usr/src).  Now the second is warning you that certain files are
suid and asking you if you want to install them.  I'd also like it if dpkg
could verify that a package can install completely before overwritting the
previous version of a package.

Is it worth filing these as wishlist bugs?


Brandon Mitchell <bhmit1@mail.wm.edu>   "We all know linux is great... it
PGP: finger -l bhmit1@cs.wm.edu          does infinite loops in 5 seconds"
Phone: (757) 221-4847                      --Linus Torvalds

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