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Re: What the new procps will hold

csmall@scooter.o.i.net wrote:
> This is an interesting question Joey.  pscol was originally there as procps
> had no colour support.  The impression I get from the upstream people is
> that it will be a long while before, if ever, colour support is put into
> the plain vanilla procps.
> I would say that if there is a need out there for colour support, than
> that need can be satisfied with pscol.
> IMHO, pscol should be moved if no-one is prepared to maintain it.

I think you're confused about what pscol does. It sets PS_COLORS, and
TOP_COLORS, it does not in itself provide color support. If and when debian
procps lacks color support, pscol will have no further reason for existance.

see shy jo

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