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New E Maintainer (Was: Re: Work-Needing and Prospective Packages for Debian GNU/Linux)

"Shaleh" == Shaleh  <shaleh@livenet.net> writes:

Shaleh> I have contacted and been acknowledged by the Enlightenment
Shaleh> devel group to package Enlightenment for Debian.  However
Shaleh> before I do, I would like for the Debian group as a whole to
Shaleh> check out what RedHat has instore for Enlightenment and gnome.
Shaleh> Perhaps one of the core group should handle this one. 

Interestingly enough, Debian has no core group.  You may however want
to coordinate with Riku Voipio (riku.voipio@iki.fi) though, the gnome
maintainer, in light of what RHAD is doing.

(I think only imlib will be integrated directly in, so theres still
enlightenment itself and possibly theme packages to maintain.)

It seems E was packaged some 3 or 4 months ago, but the person never
uploaded the sources to the debian ftp site, and apparently wasn't of
the Project.  So useless libc5-linked packages of imlib and e are
floating around, and no one can duplicate the work.  :-(

The tricky part is not compiling enlightenment, theme packages,
imlib1, and imlib1-dev, though creating shared library packages is an
art in itself.  The tricky part is linking E with the Debian menu
system, so that installed programs show up on a pop-up menu.

I've seen it done, but darned if I can reconstruct how E was
reconfigured automatically.  (I wound up purging E because it didn't
do virtual desktops, but thats unrelated).

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 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /                                             m m m
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