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packages.debian.org up again


some of you might have noticed that the host packages.debian.org has
given strange results 'til yesterday.  This was caused by an
unexpected side effekt of my request to remove the binary ->
binary-i386 links.  By that time the Packages files were removed, too
- my program (mis-)used them as database.

After someone alarmed me (thanks Joost) I've evaluated the situation
and realized that the whole thing needs a complete re-design.  After
compiling some Packages files from different architectures I saw that
there were different maintainers listed - unusable.

Now packages.debian.org is up again and better than before

 . The .dsc files are used as main database.  This means that mainly
   the source maintainer will receive the mail sent to the package,
   independent of who compiled it on the i386.

 . Both fields Source and Binary are used.  This means that packages
   with different source and binary packages are handled correctly.
   Mail to either of it will result in the maintainer's mailbox.[1]

 . The lookups are performed much faster than before because a
   compiled maintainer database[2] is used instead of ~10 files all
   around the filesystem.

Still not implemented

 . One can't send a mail to virtual packages.  Some day I'll work on

[1] Take this as example.  In former times only dbf2msql and dbf2pg
    were recognized as they occur in the Packages files.  By now also
    the source package is recognized.  (don't try, this packages is
    locked in the incoming directory)

    Source: dbf2sql
    Binary: dbf2msql, dbf2pg

[2] The database will be created after Guy has processed the incoming
    directory.  So it should reflect new uploads.


        Postmaster packages.debian.org

    / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
   / To-Zeilen in öffentlichen Nachrichten ist FidoNet-Technologie /
  / <gröll>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^ /
 / ... endlich 'mal wieder ein echt gelungener Witz!!!           /
/                                              -- Rainer Scholz /

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