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Re: Policy exceptions?

>>>>> "jw" == joost witteveen <joost@rulcmc.leidenuniv.nl> writes:

    jw: I do not know whether I agree with the original poster, sgb: he
    jw: didn't give enough details as to why he thinks no-one will want
    jw: to link with his lib.

Well, the Stanford GraphBase is the set of data and algorithms for
mathematicians working in combinatorics.  It consists of several data
files and demo binaries, these binaries share common library
implementing things like special graph algorithms.  The main purpose of
the whole thing is to provide unique testing combinatorial data set
(i.e. all mathematicians can use the exactly same set of data).
Mathematicians may want to play with it, so some header files are
provided.  It's special purpose thing (it's for research, not for usage)
and it's unlikely any serious program would depend on it, though I can't
exclude this possibility completely.

I've the only reason to not split it to three packages: I don't want so
that users would have to bother with three packages instead of one.  I'm
ready to split the package when it is really needed, but not only
because of a policy bug reported by Lintian. :-)

Milan Zamazal

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