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Re: KDE and Debian

> Is there a chance to see KDE in near future in Debian (is anybody working on 
> it)?
> My opinion about the KDE project:
> I noticed, that a remarkable fraction of c.o.l.a. were KDE programs in the 
> past few days. I think it would be a great improvement of debian, if we would 
> have KDE. Although it is convenient for experts like debian developers to 
> configure programs via dot-files, it is not for beginners. I think in the 
> meantime linux is used more and more by non-experts (judging after the 
> postings I see in the German debian list and many newsgroups).
> I do neither want to break a discussion about the licensing issues of qt nor 
> about the gnome project (I did not see any gnome live sign in the last few 
> weeks in c.o.l.a.).

Well, Christian Leutloff has sent me a Debian CD and now I'm working on 
updating Andreas Jellinghaus's work. I also got an offer by Christian
Hammers to help with this. 

I hope to get working .deb packages for the current sources within the 
next week. 

Greets, Stephan

Stephan Kulow (coolo@kde.org)
Student of medical CS
Medical University of Luebeck (MFCH)

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