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Re: [Tim Wilkinson <tim@transvirtual.com>] [ANNOUCEMENT] Kaffe: The future

Miguel de Icaza <miguel@nuclecu.unam.mx> writes:

> > We should definitely be setting up an alternate kaffe project which follows
> > a decent license.
> Sigh.  Probably we could talk with Tim/Peter to use a sane license and
> propose them a way to still be able to make a living.
> All of them recently moved to the US and they need a lot of money to
> keep the company alive (that is what looked like from an early post
> from Tim on this subject a couple of months ago).

I think Tim has moved.  Peter and his brother Joerg will move soon
(see Peter's post to the biss-awt list).

It would be nice if somebody could come up with a way for them to make
some money while developing "Open Source" free software.  That's not
the easiest trick in the world to do...

Hmmm, I wonder if a certain large proprietary software company (based
in California) that is launching their first "Open Source" product
would have a use for a "Open Source" free version of Java?

(remember, a little innuendo can't hurt) :-)


 - Jim

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