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> Speaking for the Alpha, we could probably give you a better answer to
> this question if we get some time to catch up on compilation of
> packages.  I haven't had the time to resolve boot disk issues, etc.
> since packages are being updated at a rate of approx 150/week (on a slow
> UDB, believe me, these things take time to compile).
> Plus, there are still ALOT of packages that are going to need personal
> attention to compile on the Alpha.  They will also obviously generate
> some bug reports.....and the chain goes on....
> Give me a week or so of "freeze" time and I will probably be able to
> answer the question of "are we ready for prime time" more fairly :-)

We can always remove the other architectures from Hamm if they are not
ready for release just yet.  However, remember that "multi-arch" was
a 2.0 release goal.

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )

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