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Freezing trouble.

Some questions about the freeze:

* To move a package back from orphaned, the only thing I need to
  do is to use frozen instead of unstable in the changelog, right?

* When linian sent bug reports, every error came in one report.
  Amongst the errors for one of my packages was missing manpage.
  Now, policy dictates that these should not be closed until a
  proper manpage has been written, however I must close it so that
  the package can be included in hamm. Close and open a new bug?

* I got the error score-file-may-not-be-conffile. The conffile is
  a file that says which levels exist, and I obviously don't want
  to overwrite local modifications. Why shouldn't this be conffile?

* I uploaded two bugfix versions before the freeze, and didn't
  get to closing the bugs. Should I upload new versions, or somehow
  move the fixed ones?

/\/\/\/\/\/\ Ole J. Tetlie, stud. CS & math, U. of Oslo /\/\/\/\/\/\
olet@ifi.uio.no | http://www.stud.ifi.uio.no/~olet/ | Take a look at:
olet@debian.org | Cxu vi parlas esperanton?         | http.../~olet/world.html
\/\/\/\/\/\/  Eiffel - Debian  GNU/Linux - KDE - Gnome  \/\/\/\/\/\/

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