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Re: Initial draft proposed consitutution (v0.1)

On 19 Mar 1998 john@dhh.gt.org wrote:

> >From the proposed constitution:
> > Developers are volunteers who agree to further the aims of the Project
> > insofar as they participate in it, and who maintain package(s) for the
> > Project or do other work which the Project Leader's Delegate(s) consider
> > worthwhile.  The Project Leader's Delegate(s) may vet developers, or
> > choose to expel existing developers.
> The expulsion of a developer is a serious matter which should not be done
> by an appointed official.  The Leader could perhaps have the power to
> temporarily suspend a developer's privileges in an emergency, but the final
> decision should be made by vote.  The membership should also have the power
> to overrule the appointment of a developer.

Why would a developer be expelled? For systematically and deliberately
creating packages that violate policy? I think this could be a good
reason, but why would anyone try to sabotage Debian? Or just for being
very rude on the mailing lists? I think the 'digest mode' Bruce has used
for Dave Cinege works quite well in such a situation. Or what other reason
would there be? Expulsion is a very, very serious matter and it should be
handled with great care, IMHO.

In general, I think the Project Leader will be sensible enough to decide
when to put a person on 'digest mode'.

> Some suggested wording:
>  Any developer may nominate a new developer.  Such a nomination shall be
>  voted on accordance with the Standard Resolution Procedure.

IIRC, a new developer can currently just apply for the job, identify
himself to another developer and almost automatically become a developer.
Why would a new developer have to be nominated by someone?

>  The Leader's Delegate may nominate a new developer.  A person thus
>  nominated shall become a developer after ten days unless a developer enters
>  an objection, in which case the nomination shall be voted on accordance
>  with the Standard Resolution Procedure.  During the aforementioned ten days
>  the Delegate may grant to the nominee all the rights of a developer other
>  than the right to vote and hold office.

Why does it have to be so difficult to become a developer? What's wrong
with the current system?

>  A developer may be expelled only by a majority vote of the developers.  The
>  Leader may propose such an expulsion.

I think you'll need more than just a majority to expell a developer.

Not being a developer myself and thus only giving a user's view on this

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