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Re: non-free software

>>"Bob" == Bob Hilliard <hilliard@metrolink.net> writes:

Bob> Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> wrote: The "Official CD"

>> I think we should not try to change this trend at all

Bob> It is bad because it is contrary to section 5. of the Social
Bob> Contract "We encourage CD manufacturers to read the licenses of
Bob> software packages in these directories and determine if they can
Bob> distribute that software on their CDs."

	Have I ever said we remove non-free software? Have I ever
 said we tell CD vendors not to include it? They are free to look at
 things and include it if they wish. I have no desire to see debina
 incurr legal liability just because CD vendors blindly copy what we
 give them, and we gave them things that were not distributable. Are
 you volunteering personal liability, and pledging to indemnify debian
 against all possible legal problems? (I do not even know if that is

Bob> For the same reasons that we include non-free programs in the
Bob> archives, we should endeavor to make them available to those
Bob> users who can not obtain them by ftp (lack of net access,
Bob> exorbitant on-line or telephone rates, etc.).

	There are CD vendors who provide non-free on request. We, as
 Debian, do not have to go out of our way to promote non-free software.

	BTW, feel free to start a commercial/non-free distribution
 based on Debian.

 "When you're a child, you pledge allegiance to the flag.  When you
 grow up, you swear to uphold the Constitution.  Compare and contrast
 to the President's current actions." Larry Wake (lkw@csun.edu)
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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