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Re: I plan to remove fdisk from the next util-linux

On Tue, Mar 31, 1998 at 02:27:33AM -0800, Guy Maor wrote:
> Ok, forget that idea.

All the replies I've read so far said fdisk was a better program than
cfdisk, they don't say nothing about the main advantage of cfdisk over
fdisk, it's easy-to-use UI. If we are talking about the power of the
engine, there's no doubt that sfdisk is the winner, but it has no UI.
So it's OK for the old users, but it is hard to use for the newbies 
(same complains against fdisk, and AFAIK it's unmaintained). 

Instead of talking about the bugs in cfdisk, why not focus all that
energies in writing a decent front-end to sfdisk, so we can dump both
cfdisk and fdisk? Perhaps we can even convince the fdisk-<architecture>
maintainers to support sfdisk sintax, so we can use the same front-end in
any architecture.

Also the boot-floppies team have been talking about improving the
partition configuration steps in the installation system. For that goal,
a nice front-end to sfdisk is a must.
And last, but not least, RH's disk druid is a good idea that helps a lot
of newcomers to go through the installation of their first Linux system
as painlessly as possible. We should learn from RH successes, and try
to avoid their mistakes (by offering options to the "hacker types" to do
their partitioning the "old way" if they want, for example). So, I plan 
to implement something like disk druid automatic partitioning for the 
Debian 2.1 boot-floppies.

Enrique Zanardi						   ezanardi@ull.es
Dpto. Fisica Fundamental y Experimental			Univ. de La Laguna

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