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Re: intent to package jstation

>>>>> "Vincent" == Vincent Renardias <vincent@waw.com> writes:
    Vincent> No it won't AFAIK. I've orphaned it more than 1 year ago
    Vincent> and no-one uploaded it, so I've asked it to be removed
    Vincent> from the distribution (the current 0.7.1-2 package is old
    Vincent> and buggy) and since I don't use java anymore since a
    Vincent> long while, I'm not a good canditate to make a new
    Vincent> release.  If we want a decently recent kaffe package,
    Vincent> someone will have to adopt it...

Bummer! I can't help here unfortunately (I'm a jdk source licencee) but
I thought Jim Pick had expressed an intention of persuing free JVM


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