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Re: Intention to package x11amp


- ->>>>>> "Martin" == Martin Schulze <joey@kuolema.Infodrom.North.DE> writes:
- ->
- ->    Martin> There are one or two others who have already signed up for
- ->    Martin> this package: Sami Haahtinen <ressu@rai.rauma.fi> and Jens
- ->    Martin> Ritter <grimaldi@debian.org>.  Sami is still in the
- ->    Martin> new-maintainer procedure and has told us that he spoke to
- ->    Martin> the 'already registered maintainer'.  I believe he refers
- ->    Martin> to Grimaldi, if not, Grimaldi speak up now. :-)
- ->
- ->I'll wait then. I was talking to crocodile@x11amp.bz.nu about
- ->this, and whipped up some packages for the new version. They're
- ->done, but I won't upload them until Jens or Sami gets back to me.

i've been in close contact with 'crocodile', Olle Hallnas, and i just
(meaning one or two minutes) sent him a new un official Debian package of
x11amp, with new manpages and suidconf... and i intend to use the same
package with Debian.. (if we can agree who actually will maintain the
x11amp package)

- ->    Martin> Sami gave us http://www.x11amp.ml.org/ as website for
- ->    Martin> x11amp.  I haven't checked if it's the same as above.
- ->
- ->It's been moved to http://www.x11amp.bz.nu/ now.

www.x11amp.bz.nu is the official site.. it hasn't even moved there it was
always there... the hostname x11amp.ml.org had some troubles and they
decided to start using the original name again... (AFAIR)

PS. it's a shame that 'grimaldi' happends to be on vacation at the

                   * No Man Decides for his Destiny *
                   *    It is all written in the    *
                   *     GREAT BOOK OF DESTINY!     *
                   *                  -ZaNaGa 98-   *

Sami Haahtinen <ressu@rai.rauma.fi>
Key ID: 1024/CE9638E9 Sami Haahtinen
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