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Subject: Re: upstreams maintainer conflict, was: wget: remove outdated manual page
In-Reply-To: <[🔎] 19980516225619.U3613@test.legislate.com>; from Raul Miller on Sat, May 16, 1998 at 10:56:19PM -0400
Organization: Kathie Lee's Sweatshops
X-Operating-System: Linux/i486 2.1.99
X-Mutt-References: <[🔎] 19980516225619.U3613@test.legislate.com>

On May 16, Raul Miller wrote:
> [Aside: it would be nice to have mechanism to just generates
> a unique list of referenced URLs.  This would allow more complicated
> filtering schemes to determine what to download (at the expense
> of having to run wget twice -- but it's easy enough to set up a
> web proxy).  --spider only checks a single file.]

A list of all URLs in a particular web page can be fairly-easily generated;
see e.g. my findnew Python script (http://www.linux-m68k.org/py/findnew.py)
which does this very thing as part of its processing.

I'm sure one could write an ugly regular expression that could be awk'd over
a HTML file, the output of which could be piped through sort | uniq to
achieve the same effect.  One could even do this in C if one cared (but I'll
stick with my Python version, at least it's readable...).

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