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Re: Periodic warning re dpkg's internal data structures


	I, personally, and some of my scripts, and my package
 pkg-order, look at and parse /var/lib/dpkg/status. The expectaion of
 the scripts is that the file contains information about packages in a
 Keyword: balue pair (and understand about continuation lines), and
 expect a Status: field to exist. It is also assumed that the format
 if the file is blank line separated paragraphs, and each paragraph
 contains information about a package. (I think package, version, and
 the relationship fields are all I look at; additional fields are
 accepted without comment).

	Are you planning on changing the status file format? If so,
 could you give a safe public API for the same information?

 The only winner in the war of 1812 was Tchaikovsky.  -- Solomon Short
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