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Mac emulating Linux i386, install disks problem, and other silliness.

I have a friend here with a Mac PowerBook, and he wanted to start to
learn something about Linux.  He also had some technical notes from
someone about how to get RedHat up and running under Virtual PC
(believe it or not).

(Aside: I was really surprised at how well virtual PC ran.  I was able
to have netscape running at the same time under both MacOS and
Windows95 (inside virtual PC).  They were connected to the net through
one of my linux boxes via masquerading.  The person I was helping
commented that his connectivity rates were never that good at home
even though both of us have Couriers.  Amusing, though not conclusive.
I want to see if an emulated Linux can handle his modem better :> ).

Anyway I wanted to get him started with Debian rather than RedHat (of
course), and I also just wanted to see something so perverse in
action.  So, I made the latest Jul 17 rescue and driver disks, created
a virtual PC "disk file" and booted it up.  Lo and behold, Debian came
up immediately.  We were able to partition the (fake) drive with
cfdisk, format it, mount everything, and got all the way to the
"Install the kernel and modules" step before we had problems.
Subjectively, the whole thing was pretty speedy (although it was a G3

At that point, I inserted the drivers disk, and it just hung.  Fearing
some problem with Virtual PC and the 2.0.34 floppy driver, I moved the
resq1440.bin and drv1440.bin files to the virtual pc "D:" drive, and
tried again.  This time, using /dev/hdb1 as the kernel source, it got
further, but then somewhere in this step, something dies with a
segfault and drops you back into the main Debian install menu.  Any
ideas what might be causing this?

I'd really like to see this work since it does for RedHat, just for
fun if nothing else.


Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> PGP=E80E0D04F521A094 532B97F5D64E3930

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