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Re: RH and GNOME

Raul Miller wrote:
> I suspect that raster's opinions will hold at least until it is considered
> production quality code.  [At the moment, he's been saying that everything
> is subject to change, and he's not going to waste any time agonizing
> over secondary issues -- I suppose he considers the directory structure
> a secondary issue.  I suppose we should all be happy he didn't stick it
> in /var/enlightenment/.]
The problem with say imlib is that he refuses to change the major number even
though the libraries are incompatible because it looks ugly... We could ignore
this but that would make RH and Debian have different libraries numbers and we 
don't want that.

Personally, I have am also very worried to see how more and more RH is taking
control of major parts of Linux. Even if it is just visibility (which BTW I
think it's not the only problem) they seem to _be_ GNOME. We used to house the
CVS repository and we have committed money but are now clearly unimportant.
CVS is now housed by RH and the main developers are working for them.
Of course I understand the reasons that would personally make all those people
join RedHat as they get paid to do what they like. I guess I even envy them.
But the issue is that development decisions are going to be taken by people 
working for one vendor and it's this vendor that will determine what the
priorities are. I sure hope harmony gets usuable.

Luis Francisco Gonzalez <luisgh@cogs.susx.ac.uk>
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